průvodce Aleš
České Švýcarsko, Krásná Lípa
+420 736 224 222


Prohlídky s průvodcem - apartmány - místní informace

sníh tát

Cozy small village with a lot of wonderfull secret points.

Obec Sněžné (Schnauhübel) je umístěn 1 km from Krásná Lípa. It has its own atmosphere thanks to the beautiful church Snezna, kde některé scény z filmu Reader (2008, Režie Stephen Daldry) byly shoted. There is also a free private garden Arboretum of the family of Mr. Fritsche with a number of remarkable trees and shrubs. In the spring the most blooming rhododendrons are blooming, the lilies excel in summer …. The garden is open all year, just need to find it. From the Holy Trinity Chapel, head towards the Beautiful Buk (red mark), leave the red mark at the Grohmann Cross and go straight. Then you will come across wooden rudders.

You can also take a stroller trip.