체코 스위스 셋째날, 며칠간의 휴가만으로는 여기서 모든 것을 할 수 없다고 생각하기 시작할 수도 있습니다.. 걸을 수 없다면, 자전거를 타보세요. 여기서 자전거를 빌릴 수 있어요.
Krásná Lípa에서 자전거를 타고 Kyjov로 향합니다. (Mikulášovice 방향, 순환 경로 3013). 에서 15 minutes you will stop at the Fakulta inn, where you will turn off the main road and drive through the Kyjovský údolí along the Křinice river. Along the way, rock massifs with viewpoints await you, sitting on the Tourist bridge and the border crossing in the defunct village of Zadní Doubice. One kilometer after the crossing, you will come across a signpost on the German side, where you follow the direction of Hinterhermsdorf (ascent). Hinterhermsdorf is a picturesque village of wild timber. In the middle of the village there is an information center and a restaurant. From the village there is an asphalt road with signposts to the Obere Schleuse, where there is a dock for excursion boats. Park your bikes in peace at the ticket office, buy a ticket (5 EUR) and go on a pleasant boat ride (20 나를). You will return to the bikes along the footpath that skirts the river.
Now it’s up to you. If you go back to Krásná Lípa by the same route (the shortest option) or you go through Zadní Jetřichovice (crossing) or you go back on foot for a while with your bike against the current (already through Hinterhermsdorf) and you will reach Zadní Doubice and here you can also go to the settlement of Kopec , Brtníky following the blue tourist sign. In the settlement of Kopec, there is direct seating in the inn U Oty. So think about your journey 🙂
The cruise for tourists is on the original wooden raft in operation from Easter to the end of October. Current information at www.hinterhermsdorf.de