가이드 알레스
보헤미안 스위스, Krasna 리파
+420 736 224 222


가이드 투어 - 아파트 - 지역 정보

겨울 Pravcicka 게이트에 도보 여행

겨울에 Pravcicka 문에 가는 것은 몇 가지 주문과 한 가지 중요한 장점이 있습니다.. 아무도 없어 (여름 같지 않다, 수백 명의 관광객이있을 때
), Hrensko 또는 Mezni Louka의 주차는 무료입니다., 입구에서 게이트로도. 입구: winter open douring weekend

Unfortunatelly entrance to several viewspoint should be close, 비수기 때문에 (open only during weekend and during national holiday as restaurant Falcon nest, which is situated under the gate)
Does not matter. Pravcicka gate trail is open everyday.
On Pravcicka Gate you can  go  two ways. 

1. From village Mezní Louka along the red tourist sign (Gabrielina trail). 
There is also a short walk from the information center (out of season closed) you will find the educated Lynx Path. A tastefully and ingeniously crafted interactive trail that will entertain and teach kids and adults! Continue on Gabriel's trail (6 km to Pravčická), where the school boards and guidebooks of Princess Elisalex Clary Aldringen and the guard of the National Park lead you to the finish. Guides in electronic form can be downloaded here. In winter, when there are trees without leaves, you will see the Pink Hill, the village of Janov and Pravčická itself. 
ATTENTION: this trail is closed after fire in 2022 2. Or from village Hřensko, follow red trail along the asfalt road from parking place and turn left to forest during 1km. 따르다 2 km upp walking and during 30 min you will see wonderfull panorama under Pravcicka gate Tip: Make sure you have a firm ankle boot. Counter-slip on boots also comes in the hour.

에 게시: 18.1.2023  -  밑에 신청: 블로그  -  태그: ,